Holsworthy Public School

High quality education, strong discipline

Telephone02 9825 1479


Road safety

Holsworthy Public School welcomes a safe driving community.

The streets which surround the school make up a school traffic zone which has a 40km/hr speed limit during peak times in the morning and afternoon. These streets are heavily populated by pedestrians, cars, buses and other vehicles. The high density of moving traffic creates a potentially hazardous situation. Our school is located alongside Holsworthy High School which itself attracts large numbers of vehicles. Huon Crescent, where our school 'Kiss and Drop' zone is located, has a permanent speed limit of 40km/hr. 

Please support our school by following the local road rules and extending courtesies to fellow drivers and other road users. Due to the congestion at peak times, it is especially important to pick up and set down students in a timely fashion. A 'Kiss and Drop' zone and a 'No Parking' zone are legally identical, i.e. parking for three minutes only and vehicles must not be left unattended.


  • double parking in any place where it could disrupt traffic flow or affect visibility
  • parking in areas set aside for 'Kiss and Drop'
  • parking across private driveways
  • making U-turns or three-point turns
  • using horns as a signal to pedestrians
  • entering the school grounds in your vehicle except in the case where the disabled parking spot is required
  • disobeying any road sign


Bicycle and Scooter safety

Please ensure that your children are wearing an approved helmet if they choose to ride their bike or scooter to or from school.

Passenger safety

Passenger safety can be assured by being vigilant in terms of monitoring seat belt use. Seat belts must be fastened before a vehicle moves from a stationary position. During pick up and drop off, children should enter and exit via the rear passenger door to avoid being in the traffic flow.

Bus safety

Many children at our school catch buses to and from school. Care must also be taken before and after riding the bus. It is important for your child to always wait until the bus has completely stopped before walking towards the bus.

Please make sure your child understands the safety procedure below:

  • WAIT on the footpath until the bus has been driven away and then choose the safest place to cross.
  • WATCH until there is no traffic or the traffic has stopped.
  • WALK across the road, turning your head both ways to look and listen for traffic.

Pedestrian safety

At peak times, pedestrian traffic around the school is heavy. Adults and children can be easily distracted and may make unpredictable movements. Always be on the look out for pedestrians and if you are walking near the school keep a watch for vehicles and protect young children by holding their hand whilst walking. A major cause of accidents is poor visibility. Cars that are stopped near pedestrian crossings or in 'No Stopping' zones can impair visibility and create a potentially dangerous situation.