On Wednesday 21 October Meenakshi Punnadi (5V) participated in the Metropolitan South Public Speaking Competition for the Chipping Norton Network. This was hosted via video conference with competitors from the local area. In total there were 10 competitors.
Meenaskhi was required to present a prepared speech which was on animal testing and an impromptu speech which was given on the day on the topic of responsibility. The impromptu speech was weighted at 60% of the overall mark and the prepared speech was weighted at 40% of the overall mark
From this competition there was one winner and one highly commended student from Stage 3 selected. Meenaskhi was successful and declared the winner of the Chipping Norton Network and will now move on to the Grand Final. We wish Meenakshi all the best as she progresses to the next round being the Grand Final. This will be occurring on Wednesday 18 November 2020.
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